Sunday, July 13, 2008

I felt like the guy in Shawshank Redemption...

Last night proved to be the most fun that I've had in such a long time. I admit, my "going out" policy is too strict and I perhaps don't allow myself enough opportunities to relax like I really should. Even the complements I recieved from random men was a new experience. But rockin' in my seat and listening to B.B. King offer up some simple but useful knowledge from the stage was enough to make me realize that despite some setbacks, I am ultimately in a good place in life. I dunno, maybe it was the atmosphere and the night air, or maybe it was the Mississippi boondock blues that made me think clearly. Either way, I was deeply satisfied.

Well everyone (yes, all...3 or 4 of you), I believe that a long chapter (one filled with twists, turns, splendid ups, miserable downs and occasional dissapointments) in my life is finally coming to an end. Just as the rain hits the ground outside, I am left with the hope that the one person in this world who has caused the most hurt in my romantic life (so far) is starting to fade away into oblivian, out of my head and he's taking another what I consider "nuisance" down with him. For those of you who are currently going through a break-up of some sort. It's important to remember that as long as you are breathing, you're winning. As long as you stay strong, they weaken, and in the end, when you're out there, truly living for yourself, you have made it through. Today was sort of an odd expression of joy and exhiliration, everything including the weather catered to my heart.

The question now is will this beautiful feeling last? Will the new idea of this freedom I have aquired define my life in positive ways? Will I stay this thin and glam? Whatever happens, whatever may be brought to my doorstep, I'll be ready for it. If I've made it this far, why stop and give up? If you're going through this readers as I have, and you've been treated with disrespect, please stay in the fight and knock them on thier ass any way you can. We don't know what's on the other side of the tunnel, we can only hope we are prepared.

1 comment:

B.Sunshine said...

You saw B.B king! Wowzers! lucky you. Must have been awesome. Thanxxs for the feedback.

p.s It's nice every once in a while to get feedback from different people around the world.
